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A mature Caucasian man in a clinical setting being swabbed by a healthcare worker in protective garb to determine if he has contracted the coronavirus or COVID-19. PCR test
Period military coats and civilian garb hang together from steel posts by a tent in an encampment at a reenactment of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) in summer
Period military coats and civilian garb hang together from steel posts by a tent in an encampment at a reenactment of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) in summer
portrait of a repentant man prisoner in prison garb
A mature Caucasian man in a clinical setting being swabbed by a healthcare worker in protective garb to determine if he has contracted the coronavirus or COVID-19.

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Jockey raising whip before a raceImage used under license from Freestock.com<a href="https://www.freestock.com/free-photos/jockey-raising-whip-race-1689339">Image used under license from Freestock.com</a>