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Group of friends from different cultures together at the same university.
same man in different style clothes
Conceptual image of perfect balance between two issues - 3d rendering
surreal enigmatic picture on canvas
Distracted conformist people with thumbs up in place of their head, they are staring at smartphone screen and walking in line: social media addiction concept, vintage collage design

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Row of water bottles
Rows of small white crosses stuck in green lawn to protest abortion
Series of parallel pipes, each with 90-degree turn, along whitewashed brick wall
Sweet woodruff (botanical name: Galium odoratum), a perennial used in medicine, cooking, and potpourri
Drapes at tall window of college lecture hall
Rectangular vent in brick wall
Green creeper (Genus: Dichondra; species: unidentified; cultivar: Silver Falls), often considered a lawn weed, with yellow plastic markers, growing in greenhouse for transplantation on golf course
Yellow golf tees in two rows, one horizontal, one vertical, on reflective glass
Strands of artificial web, part of Halloween installation, like rays of light against a dark background
Pair of silver doorhandles and keylock on exterior metallic door
Legacy of winter: Row of flagpoles without flags against a partly cloudy sky in spring, northern Illinois
Holiday ornaments in store window at night
Ladder on grain elevator
Green practice in winter: Three wooden compost bins on a cold day in a public park in northern Illinois, USA
Watermelons (botanical name: Citrullus lanatus) at farmers' market in Sarasota, Florida
Packing peanuts in greenish light
Potted moses-in-the-cradle (botanical name: Rhoeo spathacea tricolor), also known as moses-in-a-basket, boat lily, and oyster plant. Often used for borders in gardens.
Muslin in a breeze
Oak leaf on patio of concrete squares
Drapes at tall window of college lecture hall
Round ends of rigid electrical conduit
Interior symmetry in blue and white: decorative wall in convention center
Symmetry of solar panel in black and white
Bricks stacked against a wall
Plastic bottles of sand for divot repair on golf course
Table settings on white linen at outdoor restaurant
Two drinking straws in one glass
Three tennis balls in corner of a wet court after rain
Neatness at the office: White cardboard storage boxes stacked along top of corridor cabinet
Floral accents: Pink and white phlox growing in clusters along concrete retaining wall in garden, spring in northern Illinois (selective focus)
Abstract of interior design in black and white: Wavy wall at auto show in public convention center
Raw white onions
Charentais melons, also known as French cantaloupes, at farmer's market (foreground focus)
Business man with two girls kissing him at the same time isolated over a white background
Balcony seen through bubblewrap
Long radishes (scientific name: Raphanus sativus) at farmers' market in Sarasota, Florida
Beach abstract: Sand patterns created by the wind, St. Augustine, Florida, USA
Row of "No Parking" barriers across parking lot
Retaining wall of rounded blocks with rough texture
Retaining wall of stone blocks
Entanglement at a glance: Rope caught up in a lot of monofilament fishnet on a dock in Maine
Packing peanuts in yellow underlight
Medical macro: Three aspirin on the minute hand of an analog wall clock
Multicolored abstract of spooning S-curves that illustrate both sameness and variation in nestling undulation, for themes of fluidity, recurrence, rhythm
Bubblewrap with backlighting